Facebook pages are profiles on Facebook for brands, organisations and businesses to share their content. As now a days Facebook pages becomes a great platform to showcase your stories, products, research and much more..
a better page or a customised page become need of hour.
so without much explanations let’s directly get to the installation procedure of twitter and YouTube tabs in your Facebook page.
Add YouTube Tab on your Facebook Page:
Login to Facebook with the admin account of the page, you wish to customize.
Go to Search bar of Facebook and type “YouTube tab” select YouTube tab with a description of “APP Page”.
It will take you to app page of YouTube tab. select the option of “Use App” from page.
Select your Facebook page from the drop down menu, you want to add YouTube tab to and then click “Add Page Tab” button to proceed.
Installation of app on your page will take some time and then will redirect to your page with app tab open, asking for settings to configure.
Here in the first text field asking “Youtube account ID, Name or playlist ID:” put your youtube’s channel ID or playlist ID.
To check your YouTube channel’s ID, open your YouTube channel and look for URL, it will appear something like..
copy your channel id and put in the first text field.
configure other optional fields accordingly. Even if you do not configure, it’s OK.
Save the settings and your youtube tab is added in your facebook page.
This youtube tab app is made by Vladimir Sobolev
Similarly follow the process for Twitter tab by seraching “twitter tab” in the search bar from your admin account of facebook page and same can be done to install other apps like Flickr, Instagram etc.
Let me know of doubts and feedback in comments.
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